SUZANO HOLD (NEMO6) Main Indicators
Company Basic DataCompany | SUZANO HOLD |
Corporate Name | SUZANO HOLDING S.A. |
Registration Status | ATIVO |
Issuer Status | FASE OPERACIONAL |
Listing Segment | Tradicional - BOVESPA |
Activity | Sociedade Holding - Participação como acionista ou quotista no capital social de outras sociedades |
Share | NEMO6 |
Quote Date | NA |
Share Type | PNB |
Last Closing | NA |
Quotation Factor | NA |
Financial Volume | NA |
Last Statement | ITR - 09/30/2024 |
Sector | Materiais Básicos |
Subsector | Madeira e Papel |
Segment | Papel e Celulose |
Participation Indexes | - |
Updated 12/07/2024 |
Preços Relativos, Market Cap, EV, e Dividend YieldThere is no data for this trading code | |
Existing data for trading codes below: | |
Ordinária | NEMO3 |
Preferencial | NEMO5 |
Updated 12/07/2024 |
Summary Income Statement Last 12 Months | |
No data to show | |
Summary Income Statement Last Quarter | |
No data to show | |
There are no quotes for this ticker.
Returns, Margins, and Other Measures | |
No data to show | |
Summary Balance Sheet | |
No data to show | |
Summary Cash Flow Statement Last 12 Months | |
No data to show | |
Summary Cash Flow Statement Last Quarter | |
No data to show | |
Experimental CAPEX and Free Cash Flow Calculation | |
No data to show | |
There are no quotes for this ticker.